Boost Your Grade Course A
Mechanics and Materials

Classes are delivered online through Google Meet from 11:15 - 12:45 (BST) from the 22nd to the 26th of August.

Class Details:

  • Improve your speed and confidence with interpreting s-t, v-t, and a-t graphs. Learn how basic differentiation and integration skills allow you to quickly sketch the shape of motion graphs when provided with one, which is also helpful for A2 Further Mechanics. Questions practiced may further include links to suvat problems, Work done, and energy changes in relation to motion graphs.

  • Tips and tricks for resolving vectors accurately at speed to ensure correct application of equilibrium principles to various situations. Understand two support problems, tension based questions and weird and wonderful applications such as trebuchets. Questions practiced may further include links to young's modulus, estimation problems, and practical skills.

  • Apply suvat equations correctly in 2-D planes. In this class we will turn your mind upside down by not just considering A1 problems in a vertical plane for falling objects, but will also consider scenarios in horizontal planes. Get a jump start on A2 with an electric fields example where this applies. Questions practiced may further include links to work done, energy changes, particle physics, qualitative treatments of air resistance and terminal velocity.

  • Apply materials principles to complex scenarios such as bungee jumping, engineering decisions based on stress-strain curves, and consideration of the effect on the strength of springs and chords when in series and in parallel. Questions practiced may further include links to equilibrium, moments, work done and practical skills.

  • Develop a deeper understanding of forces as rates of change of momentum, elastic and inelastic collisions, and application of these principles to banked trolleys and particle physics scenarios. Questions practiced may further include links to pair production, annihilation, nuclear decay, straight line and projectile motion.

Book single classes below for £16.50 or a package of 5 for £75 - Eventbrite booking fees apply. Once you have purchased your ticket(s), you will be emailed with Google Meet details shortly before the first event.

If you have any questions regarding the course, please contact us by emailing:

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If interested in our Waves, Electricity and Quantum course please click here.