Does it get results?

The short answer; yes! The vast majority of our students get A’s or A*s in their A-levels, even when starting from U’s.

They become more confident; work smarter not just harder; are considerate team players; and better critical thinkers and problem solvers.

If they put in the time, we show them the way

Some of our students join our tutorial programmes for the year whereas others join us for a term to hone their skills in a particular area of physics study.

Within a 9-week term students see marked improvements regardless of their starting points. This is because we don’t just hone their skills in physics we also teach them how to study - a skill often overlooked at schools and something students are meant to just ‘figure out’.

The knock-on effect of this is increased confidence, self-reliance, and a skill set that lasts them a lifetime.

Programme Structure

Week 0 - How to Study and Baseline Testing

  • Students attend their first lecture ‘How to Study’ detailing note-taking practices, study habits and effective learning strategies .

  • Students are provided with a baseline test based on GCSE knowledge of the topics to be covered. This helps us adjust our teaching and learning plans, and allows us to determine how much progress a student makes during the course.

Weeks 1 to 3 - The Fundamentals

  • Students deepen their fundamental understanding of the topics covered during lectures.

  • Their problem sheets tackle common misconceptions, practices key calculations and experimental work where applicable.

  • In tutorials students are guided through their thought processes, checking they have understood the fundamentals so they are ready to progress to the next phase.

Week 4 - The Transition

  • This week contains 1 more fundamentals lecture that focuses on more complex ideas and problem solving.

  • Instead of a problem sheet students will be asked to study for a short progress test.

  • For the first half of the tutorial students will take the test, in the second half the teachers will discuss the answers. Students will later be emailed feedback regarding their score and recommendations on how to improve.

Weeks 5-8 - Applying your Knowledge

  • Lectures now focus on applying and linking knowledge from across physics topics. Demonstrating problem solving skills and exam technique by tackling unique not seen before scenarios and examples.

  • Problem sheets continue to be required

Week 9 - End of Course Progress Check

  • Instead of a lecture students take an end of course test which can be compared to the baseline test conducted at the start. This always illustrates a marked increase in students’ scores.

  • In their final tutorial, teachers spend time with the students going through the test. We celebrate their performance and provide students and parents with a report clearly detailing student progress focusing on both their understanding and learning habits.

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